Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Backing Obama but not the War

My stance is that we have a good President making a terrible mistake, and admit I could be wrong about it being a mistake. That is, if among other things, Obama gets hawks to stop opposing harsh Muslim values as the main reason for supporting the war. I hope people who want to support Obama, but not the war, join me.

The belief that the West is out to oppose Muslim values is why those Muslims who believe that the war is against Islam, feel that way. I also fear the new America that is loved, not hated, by the world is something priceless that is about to go away.

How can people who agree with the above statement, or similar statements, become a united voice? We who still like Obama, but oppose the war, are a significant minority, and both sides are trying to make us choose. We know that Martin Luther King kept meeting with President Johnson, and it’s now been noted that Johnson had private strong doubts about the war. I wonder if a support Johnson but not the war movement took off, whether the war not the great society would have ended during his term.

Much of the Muslim world is both angry at al Qaeda and also hates the idea of the US imposing Western values, which is why President Obama went along with the idea of Sharia Law in the Swat Valley of Pakistan, much to the chagrin of many Americans, whether hawks or doves.

Spanish Muslim clerics on the anniversary of the Madrid backpack bombing called bin Laden a heretic. Dr Fadl a fundamentalist, who supported the concept of holy war elsewhere, condemned al Qaeda for destroying the most holly Shiite Golden Dome, causing tit-for-tat reprisals that caused millions of Shiite and Sunni in Iraq to flee their neighborhoods or die.

Hamas and al Qaeda hate each other, so do Iran and al Qaeda. It wasn’t even news in the US when al Qaeda, 11/17/09, declared war on Iran. Please, both hawk and dove, click on the following for look an amazingly different perspective,
Sort of off the subject, http://seminal.firedoglake.com/diary/16402

After Nidal Hasan’s rampage at Fort Hood, many wanted Muslim recruits removed from the army, not noting the desperate need for Arabic translators. During the Cold War, Condoleezza Rice learned Russian just so she could understand and oppose Communism better. The pursuit victory is hopeless no matter what unless someone pays close attention.

I’m sure Obama. from his unique perspective, sees something I don’t. Maybe I’m wrong about the war, providing Obama can convince Americans to be more interested in a far off war then health care here a home, and can make Americans willing to go along with Sheria Law where Muslims want it, etc, etc.

I am saddened that so many fellow antiwar activists during Bush are starting to believe Obama is an evil man. Does anyone else have anything to add that will make it less likely that the war will destroy the new America the world is beginning to love again?

By Richard Kane

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Viscous smears threaten US future, but suddenly there is hope

Election day smears aren't new, but for Obama and Sarah Palin they never end. The Republican Party has been getting ever more rigid when it comes to war policy for a long time. In 2006 Richard Warner dropped out, and Chuck Hagal lost, Lincoln Chafee in 2004. Arlen Specter was squeezed out of the Republican party, due to his abortion stance, and became a Democrat. In the last election, Dede Scozzafava was trounced by fake campaign ads, that looked like they were sponsored by her, shrilly overstating her pro-choice position,

The polls were so bleak that she dropped out and endorsed the Democrat. Some people cheered a Democrat winning a district that was Republican since the Civil War, as some ultra-conservative ideologists cheered the Republican Party becoming more pure. But no one seems to be trying to punish or get restitution from Arkansas businessman, Jackson Stephen, who sponsored the dirty tricks. It's as if all sides seem to now think that dirty tricks is the norm.

But recently certain things have clicked back in the direction of being civil, besides Sarah Palin and Hillary comments on wanting to have a casual chat,
More importantly Mike Huckabee condemned those who can only find fault with the President. He criticized those who claim that Obama having kids on the White House lawn for Halloween was using children. Huckabee is happy that the kids had a rare opportunity and unlike some of his Republican comrades is honored that the President paid his respects to the returning dead soldiers. Since he was already condemned for being a softy in the 2006 primaries he can speak out without getting additional flack,

I confess that I was one of those who thought something cute was going on, when ideologists accused John McCain of not being really a Republican due to McCain making conciliatory comments toward the President right after Obama won the election, instead of being frightened that a civil handshake after a rough campaign was no longer allowed.

When it comes to the ethic issues communities something more amazing has suddenly been occurring, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) came out with a report criticizing Glenn Beck as the number one fear-monger in the country. So much for the hysterics of the pro-Israel lobby, for allegedly trashing Obama for not giving Israel everything it wants,

In the Cuban-American community something amazing has been happening as well. A conservative Cuban-American group, Free Cuba Foundation, sponsored an online petition against the death-threats against Cuban entertainers who were thinking of playing at a peace concert in Cuba,

I wish pubic heath care protesters in this country had an online petition against the "Bury Obama next to Kennedy" placards that a few brought to the protests.

Another piece of good news is changes at the Washington Times which had been heavily funded by Sun Myung Moon. Rev. Moon came to America with the Korea-gate lobbying scandal. The Korean lobby back then was assertive like the Israeli and Cuban-American lobbies. It later became a go-between, between the Religious Right and the Political Right. Moon's News World Communications, besides owning the Washington Times and United Press International owned the now defunct Rising Tide Newspaper, that according to Scoobie Jackson originated the "Obama is a Muslim" smears,

However back in Korea it maintained businesses in North Korea and had direct dealings with the North Korean government and I suspect helped prevent a war between North Korea and the West. Sun Myung Moon retired and turned over his church to his three sons. Recently Hyung Jin Moon took over the control of the Washington Times from Hyun Jin Moon. There is an exciting possibility that Hyung Jin Moon is undoing his father's right-wing policies in pursuit of Moon's other goals of a united Korea and a united world. If anyone remembers, George Bush, when it first came to office, couldn't decide if he wanted to be an interventionist or an isolationist and compromised by only going after the small (and in his mind) the particularly bad powers which he called "The Axis of Evil". Since North Korea isn't the kind of country to back down under threats, it is very possible that Moon's go-between activities prevented war between North Korea and the Bush administration. If the Unification Church undoes some of its harsh past while still pursuing a united world, the US, if not the world, could be better off.

The efforts of the Cuban-American Foundation and the ADL reminds me of something the US stopped noting since it stopped bragging about being a melting pot. A huge number of Americans are particularly interested in another part of the world, if you include the Czech and Polish-Americans upset that the defense shield isn't going to be extended there, people who get excited on St. Patrick's Day, and the native-American tribes partial to Brazilian President Lula who is a native Indian and partial to the peasants. I suddenly realize that this fights the polarization that is going on.

There is one problem where there is not yet this kind of glimmer of hope. Following the Nidal Hasan's massacre of 13 US soldiers, there has been greater polarization between American Muslims and non-Muslims. The load condemnation of Muslim-American organizations of Hasan's murders never gets reported. Rev. Pat Robertson is insisting that Islam itself is a terrorist organization not a religion, something David Horowitz is also spreading around. If they do manage to get the army to stop enlisting Arabic translators and those who have a feel for Afghan culture, and Muslims start leaving the US, it will play into al Qaeda's goal of making this a Balkanized world. George Bush applied the term "terrorist" to Green Peace and animal right's activists. Now there is a concerted effort by David Horowitz and Tigre Hill to paint Mumia abu-Jamal who was convicted of killing Officer Faulkner as a terrorist. I guess their real goal is to get anyone accused, or convicted, of a heinous crime be deigned any rights at all. The word "terrorist" seems to be beginning to be thrown around the way "Communist" was during the Joe McCarthy witch-hunt days. Whatever Mumia's involvement or lack of involvement in Officer Danny Faulkner's death, he clearly feels empowered by his writings, and no matter what he did or didn't do the night of the murder, and never felt empowered by putting a gun to someone's head and pulling the trigger. Tigre Hill's movie on Mumia is not yet out but the trailer has David Horowitz philosophizing about terrorism, has headlines which it doesn't explain where they came from, "Pipe Bomb Damages 12 Police Cars", "Machine Gun Fire Kills 2 Cops". The words "kill a pig" repeated several times. And the words "pig" in bold letters repeated twice as the audio hurled it like a curse word,

Glenn Beck and Tigre Hill's help with his trailer, using Marc Hill's quotes surrounded by inflammatory material helped manage to get Marc Lamont Hill fired from Fox News for supporting Mumia, and got Van Jones fired or on his own decided to leave the Obama administration because Glenn Beck was making such a fuse. Perhaps the ADL could speak out about the misuse of the word terrorism, and counter Geert Wilders who on a tour with Horowitz, had been claiming that the Koran is a book that should be banned.

I wish to apologize for thinking it was cute that McCain was accused of being a Democrat in disguise when he tried to make conciliatory comments after the election was over. Thank you Hillary and Sarah Palin and all the others I mentioned on for your efforts. I urge us all to join them, but caution conciliatory comments need to be made during a heated effort for a particular bill or foreign policy, more than when a skirmish is over or one might end up facing what McCain faced.

By Richard Kane

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Let’s Stop the Spiral of Hate!

There is intense tension between Muslims in Holland and the wider community. Some of this extends to the rest of Western Europe as well. This hasn’t happened in the US as of yet despite broad accusations concerning Islam since the Fort Hood killings by conservative papers and web-sites and which sometimes got repeated on Fox News. Only Joe Leiberman claiming that the Homeland Security Committee will investigate the Fort Hood killings for terrorism, has created public worry from progressive groups and those concerned about pushing US Muslims in the wrong direction,

I’m not making excuses. Al Qaeda likes to attack locals who translate for the US. If mistrust created by Nidal Hasan, interferes with Arabic-speaking Americans translating, al Qaeda would consider this a real plus.

Once the US was proud of what was once called the American melting pot. Obama is attempting to bring back the America the world loved after World War II. Bush after 9/11 urged that Muslim businesses not be defaced, humbly visited a mosque, and repeatedly called particularly the King of Jordan, US’s friend. Obama and Bush while very different, don’t have the opposite visions when it comes to the need for friends. At a certain point tensions could snowball like in Holland. Remember the anger all over the Muslim world when the USSR was fighting in Afghanistan. The US hasn’t faced united Muslim anger, and it is a warped sense of patriotism to think that it shouldn’t be avoided.

Arab translators would be needed even if the US would embark on exploring a rapid orderly exit policy from Afghanistan. During the Cold War Condoleezza Rice, learned Russian, as what she felt was a matter of patriotism. I haven’t heard of bloggers, urging Muslims be removed from the army, learning Arab to replace Muslim translators.

A problem is that many people believe that the liberal media is sanitizing the facts, and thus expect more detail from the conservative media. However the NY Times may have had more detail then any other publication or blog,

Perhaps as much of the liberal media claims Nidal Hasan snapped from the insults hurled at him for being a Muslim. However, he bought a $1,000 automatic pistol in July,

Snapping might have occurred long before November 6. Not that he couldn’t have hesitated until November 6. Witnesses say he carefully chose which soldier to shoot, so I think he was very calculating.

In 2002 Daniel Pearl who was with the Wall Street Journal, was lured by terrorists in Pakistan. In a gruesome Internet broadcast he was tortured and beheaded. Instead of reacting with hate and helping the terrorists Balkanize the world, his friends and relatives organized the Daniel Pearl Foundation with interfaith peace concerts, dialogues and prayer services,

I think this is what bin Laden doesn’t want. Driving Muslims out of the West while Westerners were driven out of Middle Eastern countries would in bin Laden’s mind shield Muslims from dangerous Western influence.

Somehow many Americans think 9/11 gives us a unique responsibility to stop al Qaeda. The Madrid commuter train backpack bombings, could have killed more people had one train arrived at a station moment later. Many Spaniards can’t go to work without being reminded of that dreaded day.

To discombobulate US efforts for a coalition government in Iraq, al Qaeda at several points in 2006 and 2007 attacked and destroyed the Shiite Golden Mosque the holiest sight in Shiite world, causing massive tit-for-tat violence, and millions to have to relocate in fear of their lives,
Since al Qaeda has no anger at Shiite Islam, much of the Muslim World hates al Qaeda causing mass mayhem, just for a temporary strategic reason. US policy toward Iran, distracts Iran from its anger at the mayhem bin Laden caused.

Nidal Malik Hasan’s rampage enhanced the ignorance of the American public to the nuances of the Muslim attitudes toward al Qaeda. My guess is that creating tension between Arabic translators and the US government was intentional, and in different ways modified what he did for maximum effect. Another tragedy that should be faced is that he can become a larger-than-life example for some. Al Qaeda members got drunk before 9/11. As part of their disguise was avoiding the mosque or appearing to be a Muslim. One Muslim web-site that I haven’t yet relocated dwelt both on the accusation that one of the 9/11 hijackers had a relative who was an Israeli spy and in almost the same breath the accusation that one of the hijackers visited a brothel. Prophet Mohammad wouldn’t have taxed drugs like the al-Qaeda-ized Taliban is doing, nor put up with a Joan or Arc, or child lookouts and spies, much less equipt a child with any kind of weapon at all. A child or an elderly lady both with down syndrome being outfitted with a remote-controlled suicide vest, is something foreign to any kind of historic tradition. One son doing this to his mother violated what every religious teacher ever advocated. Sadly, for a change, Nidal Malik Hasan gives the appearance of seriously practicing his religion. A possible silver lining in this whole affair would be if I and other could induce Americans to start paying attention to what the Muslim world thinks.

I would like to see Obama to ask France or some country to supervise a cease-fire between us and the Taliban with a clear timetable for withdrawal as long as Americans are not fired upon. But bin Laden wouldn’t want anything in the way of his vision of a permanent Muslim warring-class as long as there is a divided world, and may want to sabotage such a deal. Those who don’t have a clue claiming the war relates to an oil pipeline I don’t think helps to solve the difficulties that the US and the world is in.

Don’t forget that the attitude of Daniel Pearl’s relatives are very important whether or not at what point the US government should or should not engage in force in dealing with foreign affairs.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Fort Hood Shooting Spree

It looks like bin Laden, Dick Cheney, Glenn Beck, and the people at the Washington Times and Fox News might have got their way, a world at war, but there may be still time for Obama and sober folks to help us get along with each other instead.

In Europe Muslims are seen as freaks, in the US we tend to have a touch of a melting pot and Muslims tend to get such jobs as back tellers because Islam preaches honesty, but it may not be enough and the world could end up dividing into warring camps like bin Laden and Beck craves, but groups like the Daniel Pearl Foundation are trying to bring us all together instead.


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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Obama - unlike Jimmy Carter - fights the smears Fox News hurls at him

History is repeating itself. When Carter was President, he was sabotaged and smeared by right-wingers who hated him. The very worst example was called the “October Surprise”. Under President Carter so-called super-patriotic Americans including a former Vice-President who was later to become President, President Bush, in the worst case example, worked with America’s enemies to sabotage Carter’s domestic and foreign policy. It hasn’t been smoking gun proven, but the elder Bush’s emissaries might have actually directly, not indirectly, worked with the Iranian hostage takers, google Wikipedia and October Surprise.

Obama is different, he fights back, but only MoveOn.org is supporting the President’s policy of standing up to the smears hurled against him and this country by so-called friends of America like the super publisher Rupert Murdock and his Fox News. America isn’t weak under President Obama, it is strong. For the first time, really since World War II, the world actually respects and honors this country. The Nobel Peace Prize was actually given to President Obama for bringing back the America, the promoter of peace and stability, that President Wilson once presented to the world.

The biggest hate smearers at Sun Myung Moon’s Washington Times newspaper, get honored by being on Rupert Murdock’s Fox News, such as Andrew Breitbart,
If the above link sticks, go the Scoobie Davis blog, and scrawl down to Sept 29,

The smear that Obama was a Muslim wasn’t urban legend, but a carefully planned hate message,
As part of a subliminal hate message, the Washington Times’ story about children murdered in Chicago, had a picture with it of Obama’s children. See Media Matters story # 200905130025

Many think because they have been quiet of late the Moonies are mostly gone or retired. Moon has actually given much, if not all, of his control of his Unification Church to his three sons or in Moon’s mind, God has given control of His church over to His three sons.

Moon just married 40,000 new couples in a mass marriage that covered several countries. Moonies in the past, besides getting married at Moon’s beck and call, have done fund raising, such as selling flowers and small figurines and stuffed animals 16 hours a day, and did a lot of political work for their god.

An article in the Boston Globe covered the mass marriage. It was an Oct 12 Associated Press story by Hyung-Jin-Kim, http://www.boston.com/news/world/asia/articles/2009/10/12/rev_moon_turning_over_unification_church_to_sons
The only reference to brainwashing in the story was of a child raised in the cult, However, many recruits were college students who’s lives got totally engrossed in a mind bending cult, much to the horror of their parents and other relatives. Since Moonies, in the past, did fund raising and other errands for their god, I wonder how many are now professionals assigned to smear President Obama.

We need a little history. Sun Myung Moon came to this country as part of the Korea-gate lobbying campaign to secure more aid and support for South Korea. Somehow people get all excited about the Israeli Lobby lobbying for more support for Israel. However, many of the complaints against the Israeli Lobby come from Jews that disagree with the lobby, nothing like the conspiracy between Rupert Murdock (who happens to be a foreign lobbyist not an American) Dick Cheney, and the Rev. Moon.

Rev. Moon preaches Godism, not Democracy. A victory for the world Moon envisions would not only be a defeat for what the US represents but any religion that has a concept of free will.

It is interesting to note (if not ominous)that a major paper, the Philadelphia Inquirer, took the Associated Press story of Moon’s mass wedding, and removed the reference to brainwashing and to Sun Myung Moon’s ownership of the Washington Times, and added a picture of Moon’s youngest son looking like a ordinary preacher. According to both the Inquirer and Associated Press’s version of the story, Moon’s youngest son rebelled for a while and became a Buddhist. Not emphasized in either version is that this would represent a drastic change since Moonies are supposed to worship Rev. Moon. But the youngest son was only put in charge of Moon’s local church in Korea, not Moon’s overseas lobbying empire. The Inquirer’s cut version of the story only emphasized Moon’s youngest son, Moon Hyung-jin

According to retired University of Pennsylvania Wharton Professor Ed Herman, the right-wing owner who bought out the Philadelphia Inquirer from Knight Newspapers, Brian Tierney, is embedding in right wing causes, see,
Brian Tierney, mixed in with Rupert Murdoch, Moon’s Washington Times, and with Dick Cheney is a very toxic brew.

The best reference to the conspiracy I am referring to is at, Scoobie Davis’s blogs
For earlier material see,
I wrote, the following which may add a little something to what they wrote,

Moon’s religious views have been called weird. But more than weird, I noticed they are extremely harsh. Moon likes to dwell on the Biblical use of the word “seed” to represent procreation in general. Eve eating the apple in the Garden of Eden represents according to Moon Eve having the Devil’s Child, and the Virgin Birth in the Bible is God changing human genealogy back in God’s hands. So Jesus was supposed to, according to Moon, have a lot of kids and bring God’s seed back to humankind to suppressed the Devil’s genetic line. Thus to Moon’s ideology, Jesus failed. To Moon the only difference between good and evil is who has the most power. To me it almost seems like good means evil to Moon. Moon wants a world where a higher authority makes all the decisions.

I might get in trouble with progressive friends, but I think there is actually some merit in some of the Conservative religious causes that Moon’s Washington Times has been ruining with its support. Destroying and twisting them might be one of his so-called higher purposes Moon is up to. Moon corrupts every cause he gets involved in supporting.

Cheney and Rupert Murdoch don’t hate human rights and civil liberties, they just don’t want such things to get in the way of what they think needs to be done. Someone on the scene that truly hates freedom, and free will, may be more destructive of human freedom then the resistively small number of Moonies would otherwise merit. I expect almost everyone who reads this will think that Moon at best is an only small part of any right-wing conspiracy. But I think that I though conceivably Scoobie Davis is the only people to think otherwise.

One can get most of the details by reading the historical links by Scoobie Davis and Robert Parry at Consortium News, which I linked to earlier.

One thing missing from what they write is Moon’s heavy involvement with Latin America. The Washington Times newspaper has had heavy support for right-wing Cuban-Americans and their effort to change the Cuban government. Most of Latin America especially the governments of Mexico and Brazil were upset at the overthrow of the President of Honduras. But the Washington Times by hammering away at the idea that Obama is supporting Castro’s and Chavez’s policy by pressuring Honduras to return to democracy, got otherwise uninvolved conservative Cuban-Americans to think that by opposing democracy in Honduras they are working for more freedom in Cuba. Without the Washington Times goading them on the overthrown of the President of Honduras might have never happened in the first place.

Many Hispanic Americans including Cuban-Americans, are being pressured by US domestic circumstances in a progressive direction. Most Cuban-Americans voted for President Obama. Heath care reform will benefit Hispanic-Americans the most. If Cheney and Rupert Murdoch win the day, with the next President proud of torture and human rights violations, and elderly Cuban refugees get to march back in style to Cuba the way the Iraqi Congress in Exile did in Iraq expecting to be greeted as returning heroes it will be a disaster for them as much as it was for the Iraqi Congress in Exile. Making peace with the Cuban Government, perhaps on somewhat their terms, is their only real hope for Cuban-Americans for their homeland. The Washington Times can only permanently poison their future.

A very good sign is that many conservative Cuban Americans signed an online petition against the threat to attack any Cuban-American entertainer if he attended the then pending peace concert in Havana,

This would be like Pat Robertson and Dick Cheney signing an on-line petition against such things as the signs “Bury Obama Next to Kennedy”. Why can’t other conservatives take responsibility for what the extremists among them do? I hope and think it is possible for those angry at former Fidel Castro’s legacy, to take a good look at the plight of the former members of the Iraqi Congress in Exile, and negotiate an end to the blockade directly with Raul Castro, perhaps getting certain significant but minor changes in Cuban society in the process. I also think it is possible for President Obama to get together with, and even befriend former President Bush to work against the current hate campaign against him. When Obama became President he actually called on the Washington Times reporter to ask a question at his press conference. But now Obama must fight back if people like David Corn who has sterling radical credentials will let him. However, it is possible that the Korean version of the Unification Church under Moon Hyung-jin, might eventually end up in charge of the entire Church operations and expose and apologize for past dirty tricks and work for a united world humanity, without the elder Moon’s hate for world democracy mixed in.

By Richard Kane
PS. I can’t reedit the above for spelling & other errors


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Monday, October 19, 2009

We Lost! We already lost the war in Afghanistan! Not admitting it is a serious mistake!

Unless we admit we lost the war, the bad news can only get worse. There are different degrees of defeat. Delaying signing a peace treaty could mean US troops leaving from on top of the US embassy (like in Vietnam) or even a total collapse far worse than the collapse of the Soviet Union after it bankrupted itself partly by the Afghanistan War. General Stanley McChrystal's grim blunt assessment that we would lose unless he got 40,000 new troops in a hurry in order to starve off a relatively quick defeat, in no way expressed any optimism that we would win in the end even with more troops. I would like to reinterpret his statement as implying that we should leave rather quickly rather than face a possibility of a last minute panicky retreat like in Vietnam.

Actually there is still a window of possibility for a quick hollow victory in Afghanistan where the Taliban agrees in the future to hand over any al Qaeda leaders for trial to any international court that requests, in exchange for a quick US withdraw.

There is very little chance for the divided leadership of the Taliban to actually comply with such an agreement or for an al Qaeda leader to allow himself to be taken into Taliban custody. But this would prevent al Qaeda from cheering that a relatively few al Qaeda suicide bombers chased America out of Afghanistan. However people like Dick Cheney would argue that we really lost to al Qaeda and help al Qaeda crow a little.

A similar scenario actually happened once before, but no Democrat, or Bush-hater, sabotaged not allowing al Qaeda to cheer. Bin Laden originally vowed to drive US troops out of Saudi Arabia, It was his main claim for 9/11. In 2003, George Bush withdrew US troops, from Saudi territory and if 9/11 never happened US troops possibly could be still on Sacred Muslim territory. Western infidels in Mecca, in bin Laden’s mind, was the biggest affront to Islam in what he sees as a 1000-year-old war between Islam and the West. When US troops began leaving Saudi Arabia, private contractors moved in. Al Qaeda smelling what they thought was a trick that US troops would stay in Afghanistan disguised as private businessmen and private contractors. Al Qaeda attacked the private contractors. This scared most Saudis who previously had mixed feelings toward al Qaeda. Saudis rely a lot on non-Muslim servants. Muslim servants are supposed to follow the same customs Saudis do like to pray five times a day. It could be a little awkward for a Muslim servant to watch them do such things as skip prayers, or on the other hand for Saudi’s not to frown a little if a Muslim servant had overlooked them. In many little ways, and some major ones, not being able to hire non-Muslim servants would drastically change the Saudi way of life. Attacking contractors made al Qaeda very unpopular in their country. However, if back then when US troops left Democrats would have yelled, "Bin Laden won!", like Cheney would do today, al Qaeda could have crowed a little about victory.

Obama preformed close to miracle in Iraq, US troops left the cities under the condition that they wouldn't return unless ethnic strife or a government request brought them back in. Remember all the warnings during the Bush administration that the bloodbath between Sunnis and Shiites would become extremely intense, unless the US were kept in-between them.

Now, thanks to Obama, the Shiites are ignoring highly provocative al Qaeda suicide attacks because they would rather US troops stay out then to randomly get even with Sunnis in tit-for-tat ethnic strife.

If the US continues to waste vast sums on ever more expensive smart weapons, like drone airplanes, until the dollar collapses, and since most Americans are far away from food sources we will be fighting with each other over food here at home rather than the US fighting a war abroad. The usual way a war ends is that of a signed peace agreement. This is much preferable to a hasty last minute withdrawal. The Taliban doesn’t want to see Afghans continuing to die, they are willing to try to make at least small compromises in exchange for peace.

Sometimes a military defeat is attempted to be covered over by a political event. Hitler didn't seize southern France during World War II, the Vichy government took power. I contend that if moderates like Arlen Specter continue to be kicked out of the Republican Party until the next US administration is proud of torture and human rights infringement like Cheney and the constant escalation of the war advocates at the Washington Times want, it would be a defeat of the US Republic. Sun Myung Moon who founded the Washington Times believes in what he calls "Godism" not democracy, all major decisions made by a central higher authority. Some of those who work at the Washington Times may also go further than Cheney's belief that sometimes human rights and Democracy gets in the way of what needs to be done. I contend that many who shrilly advocate sending more troops to Afghanistan aren’t concerned about Afghanistan but in using the war to disrupt the domestic progressive agenda. They far more interested in change in this country than worrying about change in Afghanistan.

Let's back up a moment. Why is it the US's responsibility to stop al Qaeda when al Qaeda also made horrible attacks in Spain and Britain? To discombobulate Bush's plans for a coalition government in Iraq, al Qaeda blew up Shiite sacred sites which got many thousands of Shiites and Sunnis to kill each other in tit-for-tat violence. This is something many Shiite Muslims in Iran and other Muslims hate him for. If the US wasn’t so egocentric we would realize that purposely creating widespread ethnic strife was a greater crime than 9/11.

Even Saudi Arabia would fight to keep al Qaeda from becoming in charge. The Soviet Union fought militant Muslims in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Unfortunately for them at the time, they did manage to inadvertently convince Muslims around the world that Russia was their enemy, much more that George Bush who constantly insisted that moderates like the King of Jordan was US's friend. Russia would never allow a militant like bin Laden to take charge of much of the world, especially Muslim areas near Russia, or take charge of Pakistani nukes. Also, al Qaeda made it clear that if the US actually withdrew from Afghanistan they would be attacking China in a big way, already looking for a fight with China over suppression of Muslim separatists in Uighur. Time Magazine referred to an Oct 7th al Qaeda statement threatening China that I think is urgent for both US doves and hawks to contemplate,
Unfortunately the information covered by Time Magazine didn't get central coverage elsewhere in the media.

During both world wars the US government's only central purpose was to win. This held true in Korea as well. But Lyndon Johnson also wanted his Great Society programs, and Obama wants health care reform. US soldiers want to protect their buddies much more than any burning desire to win. If the central purpose of US foreign policy was to defeat al Qaeda, we would let Iran get the weapons it wants in return for attacking al Qaeda, something due to their hate of what al Qaeda did to Shiite holy sites they already would have done if not tension between the US and Iran and Israel and Iran hadn’t gotten in the way. This is the kind of policy that the US had during World War two when even Stalin was considered US’s friend.

There is no way we can win against an enemy that envisions a permanent warring class, without making stopping al Qaeda the overwhelming focus of US foreign and domestic policy. No American believes that al Qaeda would be in charge of the world if we don't take leadership like most did against Hitler and the Soviet Union. Al Qaeda attacked on 9/11 because it wanted US troops out of Saudi Arabia and feared the then slow march toward victory of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan would have been both a psychological and physical blow to extremism, while temporary control of Afghanistan by the US would only be a physical, not psychological, setback.

Actually like everyone else I really don't have the answers, but let's lobby Obama in the spirit of trying to get him to do a better job, rather than join those who think criticizing Obama on war is a good way to sabotage Obama and the general progressive agenda.

During Vietnam the theme of the antiwar movement was that “Vietnam was not our enemy” which fit in with the fact that Vietnam never had any plans for the US. Today the theme should be we have no business deciding to be in charge of fighting al Qaeda while paying little attention to what they are all about. I wish I could convey the danger I see in belittling the al Qaeda threat by not only the antiwar movement but ordinary Americans tired of a far away conflict.

Bin Laden's dream of a permanent Muslim warring class is grim news for the world, including much of the Muslim World. But unlike with Hitler stopping al Qaeda is in no way dependent on US resolve. The antiwar movement should stop risking being a tool of those who are investing their future political clout in the hope that al Qaeda will have another 9/11 some day. Remember Al Qaeda attacked Spain when the antiwar movement there was strong and Britain when Tony Blair was in danger of losing his party's support, and could only threaten to attack the German Beer fest when Germans wanted to leave Afghanistan, but just the threat had an effect of the German election outcome. But unless we are willing to give up all other domestic and foreign policy in an effort to stop al Qaeda, such as arming Iran who was hurt the most by an al Qaeda attack of Shiite holy sites, we have no business trying to be in charge while are eyes and ears are focused elsewhere. Where there is emotional commitment some want to use anger against bin Laden to spread to anger at Hamas and Hezbollah, others to anger at all religious people who oppose womans rights or gay rights, or anyone who is more than a Sunday Christian. Others just hoping the war ends the progressive social agenda.

I don’t like the way today’s antiwar movement is copying the Vietnam precedent by claiming that al Qaeda is not a problem for us. Let’s reinterpreted General Stanley McChrystal's grim assessment as meaning that it is likely that any kind of US policy toward sustained change in Afghanistan might not work almost no matter what we do. Reinterpreting General McChrystal’s statements as reason to get out might actually bring and earlier end to the war.



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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Washington Times "Moonies" are very involved in supporting the Honduras Coup

It’s been so long since I seem mention of the Washington Times and the Moonies in the same article that I was beginning to fear people were forgetting that they still exist. But things are now changing. I noted two recent blog articles, not only Robert Parry’s “WTimes, Bushes Hail Rev. Moon”,
but also Alex Constantine’s “Ten More Facts about a living Messiah who is growing old” which I also responded to,
Also some other new material recently hit the Internet that I haven’t yet digested.
But I was disappointed that none of the articles mentioned the extensive effort of the Washington Times to encourage and then defend the Honduran coup, and their continuous efforts to befriend ultraconservative Miami Cubans.

On other causes the Wash. Times plays both sides. It systematically condemned Chas Freeman, who blamed the Israeli Lobby instead of the Wash. Times for not getting the foreign policy post Obama was going to give him, instead of the Wash Times. Somehow, pro-Israeli groups didn’t want to start condemning the Wash Times for getting many angry at the pro-Israel lobby for something they were not responsible for. See washingtoncitypaper.com, Our Morning Roundup: Washington Times “Owns” Chas Freeman Story,

I am torn between wanting to condemn Right-Wing Cuban-Americans and praise the efforts of usually conservative Cuban-Americans to stand up against gross extremism. You don’t see Conservative Republicans loudly condemning the sick “Bury Obama Beside Kennedy" signs. However, some extremely conservative Cuban-Americans signed a petition condemning the death threats against Cuban-American performers participating in a Havana peace concert,

Some rather conservative Cuban-Americans, “Ladies in White”, who have relatives or who had relatives back in Cuban prisons, during the last election campaign, were hoping Obama would negotiate getting their loved ones out of prison, rather than supporting McCain’s vow to force the Cuban Government to do so,

The Wash Times is sabotaging every effort by the present US government to improve things, accusing Obama of supporting Chavez’s and Castro’s policies in Honduras. It is a distinct possibility that they, and Dick Cheney, with al Qaeda’s help, might create a US government proud of torture, and human rights violations, with the next or following Presidential election and thus it is possible that the most extreme Cubans along with Washington Times embedded reporters will march back to Cuba in triumph like the Iraqi Congress in exile did, and there will likewise be a grim Cuba to follow. The Wash Times is an albatross around any group it supports.

Robert Parry in “WTimes, Bushes Hail Rev. Moon", reminded people of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s early sexual ideas. But somehow everyone misses the harsh universe Moon projects about God and Satan in a breeding war to see whose genes come out in the end. According to Moon the apple eaten by Eve was the Devil winning one and Jesus’s Virgin Birth was God winning one. Cuban Americans, people who want to defend traditional marriage, and every other cause supported by the Wash Times should be wary of how accepting help from a group with such a harsh view of reality might affect them in the long run.

Despite being an albatross the Wash Times has done a lot for the pro-immigration movement. In 2006 it outed "'[added Oct 7]' "Rep. Mark Foley for]"' being harshly against immigration which ironically helped the Democratic election sweep,
The W Times exposed that Foley made inappropriate comments and written notes to underaged pages.

More recently it stopped Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich from hysterically condemning the Sotomayor nomination by having an article claiming that future Supreme Court nominee Judge Sotomayor was pro-life,

Because of it's conservative credentials the W. Times has uncanny access to areas no other pro-imagination group can venture. But remember they are far more interested in rich conservative immigrants than poor apolitical or poor immigrants with any kind of progressive credentials.

It seems almost impossible to me that Robert Parry didn’t include some of the Latin American material unless the Washington Times tracking cookies gives different results to different viewers. I wish Parry’s Consortium blog publication would send someone to the Washington DC main library and photocopy back issues. There could even be different versions of W. Times mailed editions. In the 70's I had two Moonie “Rising Tide” Newspapers of identical date. On one page, in identical format, was an article praising the Iranian Revolution and in the other otherwise identical edition was an article condemning it.

I clear tracking cookies before and after I click on a W. Times link. I should only use the public library. If I was the only one at Kinko’s using Kinko’s to read a newspaper they might steer the Kinko’s computers toward a version of their paper they give to hostile readers. Perhaps a conservative might want to google once or twice on a Kinko’s computer with their laptop also Googeling the Wash. Times sites and see if they get a different version of the BrainWashington Times articles than they get on their home computer. Getting this Albatross off all of our necks should be a priority.

Also posted at,



I’m Richard Kane retired in Philly PA at RichardKanePA.blogspot.com

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Michael Jackson, La Toya his Sister Cried, had been Surrounded by Shady Characters who Wanted him Dead

Let’s not let this issue die, since we now know for sure that a similar situation led the Jimi Hendrix’s death. Dr. Conrad Murray is a distraction if La Toya knew what she claimed.

On June 30 Gerald Posner who wrote “Case Closed”, covering up the Kennedy Assassination, claimed that someone close to Michael claimed Michael Jackson was mixing tranquilizers to try to go to the hospital because Michael falsely believed that going to the hospital would let him break his contract. It turned out that his doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, was mixing medication while cutting Michael down on propofol. This means someone close enough to Michael to be in his bedroom, thought he was about to watch Michael die from an attempt to get out of his contract stunt, and make money selling the story, instead of informing Michael that what he thought Michael was doing wouldn’t work. Maybe it isn’t murder for a maid to casually watch her boss die of a heart attack, perhaps the maid could only be sued by relatives for breach of contract. But because of my own personal experience when a friend died, when people around him wanted him dead, I feel greatly for the plight that La Toya Jackson felt, when she noticed a lot of things wrong surrounding Michael’s death, details of my experience I will detail later. Something is very wrong with the entertainment industry when it comes to gullible and vulnerable entertainers.

La Toya Jackson, cried murder as soon as Michael Jackson died. She wasn’t crying about manslaughter, but a conspiracy to systematically endanger Michael Jackson’s life. Her charges received no official investigation by the police or mainstream media who ended up dwelling on Dr. Conrad Murray and his poor choices in both trying to keep Michael Jackson satisfied and healthy at the same time. The conspiracy blogs did list names but they weren't picked up by her or the main media. An example is the following link,

I was personally prevented from helping a friend in dire need. I know about other situations. I wish those who know of anything similar would come forward.

Manipulators and con-artists plagued Michael. Maybe we won’t prove any time soon La Toya’s inferences that some group put Michael Jackson under extreme stress hoping he would abuse tranquilizers in a deadly way. Dr. Conrad Murray could have said “No” firmly. I gave you something else that doesn’t mix with propofol instead of giving him a little bit. Still I consider Dr. Murray a scapegoat.

The engineering for someone to die is not rare. I hope if all of us who experienced a friend or love one die this way would get together to encourage the police to label this murder. I was unable to save a friend’s life, and the police were unwilling to review a suspicious 911 call that delayed their response to coming for a sick friend. Previously when he was sick I got 911 help for him or went with him by cab to the hospital. However after my key to his apartment was unexplainably missing and it turned out he discovered he had no more spares. Four days later his curtains were drawn for the first time as if he didn’t want to be disturbed. He sounded ok on the phone but the next morning didn’t answer his door or phone. A character who several times delayed me, from calling 911, used my phone to call for a possible key. As he lingered on my phone I ran next door to see if I could get them to let me look in the back window. Since he was now at the front door, still on my phone I ran to the pay phone urging the police to come quick. Later calling 911 to ask “Why the delay” the dispatcher said, “Another call came right before yours saying that it probably wasn’t a problem but the police might check and thus his call took priority because it was first. I couldn’t get the police to check to see if his call came from my phone. If they did, I suspect, they would hear a carefully worded statement where a calm voice would have indicated no emergency even as the written notes would tend to indicate there was.

La Toya Jackson had three autopsies. I instead, told the coroner that an autopsy wouldn’t find anything though in hindsight it could have shown his medicine missing from his system.

At this point I have a hypothetical question; If the police suspected someone of murdering someone three hours away from where they lived, and when questioned they had typed notes where they had been the last three days, receipts from a restaurants, and stores, and long distance phone calls proving he was at no point within three hours of the body. Would the police go away or be more suspicions then ever? Why would someone want to prove they were innocent before a crime occurred?

La Toya Jackson wasn’t clear. She neglected to mention that everyone knew or should have known that stress would make it difficult for Michael to live up to a contract, when she mentioned a difficult contract with a stiff penalty for not living up to it for a new Michael Jackson tour, with several attempts to amend it every time Michael slipped up to make it worse, while staff members were making it difficult for her to meet with her brother. This certainly did not include Dr. Conrad Murray. If she didn’t know their names, she could have described their position on Michael’s staff. When La Toya Jackson complained of valuables being missing, and staff being quickly fired after Michael died, she didn’t mention that the stealing would have been far more convenient if it occurred before Michael died, before the police were snooping around. And that employees fired and quickly being made to leave the premise would have made it harder for any honest staff members to note which items weren't where they were a day or two earlier. She made herself even less clear by demanding an autopsy then two more. Police investigators and private investigators might discover the kind of conspiracy she was alleging, manipulating Michael’s life to make death likely, which couldn’t possibly show up in an autopsy.

I hope I am not being to distracting by referring back to Gerald Posner when he insisted that Lee Harvey Oswald had no accomplishes in killing President Kennedy. People argue with what is technically possible with the single bullet theory, but don’t publicly ask, something that was obvious. “Did a prosecutor ever before insist early in a murder case that the murderer acted alone?” Who ever heard of the police insist there was only one bank robber, despite one witnesses testimony to the contrary, and authorities disagreeing saying the robber had no accomplices. That may end up being the final assessment at the end not the beginning of an exhausting investigation. With the JFK Assassination we instead of looking at what we know about the police and normal prosecutors we argue whether bullets can ricochet in a magical way when very few of us have experience with bullets ricocheting. Similarly with Michael Jackson we should assume that manipulators surrounded Michael who would gain more from his name if Michael died sooner rather than later. Elsewhere it was reported that Dr. Murray was on his cell phone for an hour before calling the police. Since no camera was in the room to see when Michael died, how would anyone know if any phone call was before not after Michael died unless the false information came from someone who was calling Dr. Murray to distract him from Michael, like a person persistently picking when another person is in a car to call with heavy conversation, hoping to precipitate a traffic accident.

Someone, or some group of people, seem awfully interested in the police claiming “case closed”. I, for one, consider Dr. Murray to be one of the only people advising Michael who wasn’t trying to manipulate him for their own financial gain, and don’t want him punished. But if punished, if he plea-bargains guilt for not using the alarms that hospitals use when someone is under anesthesia, it would allow the police to arrest someone later without admitting they were making a mistake with Dr. Murray. It would also pressure doctors to follow up on what they prescribe, such as actually calling someone with an old prescription that hasn’t seen the doctor again, rather then to stop prescribing pain killers and tranquilizers.

When it comes to murder, I would never do it. However when a drunken panhandler constantly pestered me, I had the dark thought of buying him a gallon of the strongest vodka I could get.

Since having this dark thought, I saw fictional stories and a news story about alcoholics encouraged to die. In one incident a life insurance policy was bought for an alcoholic who was drinking himself to death, but who became sober after a near-death experience. The life insurance purchaser was convicted of using more direct means to kill the former alcoholic. From my experience with the police I don’t think it likely that someone would yet be punished for constantly removing only the heart pill from a morning pill tray, or just refilling prescriptions all at the same time of month, to make it look like the heart medication was accidentally left out? Or frequently phoning, when the person being called is driving on a busy highway, to precipitate an accident. Pharmacy computers scan for what doesn’t mix, and could enclose a warning of something missing when other pills are filled. Also the police could check after a driver dies in an accident, not only whether they were on the phone but if the last caller was a frequent caller who almost always called when the driver was on the phone if this person had reasons to want the driver dead.

Subjecting Michael to unnecessary stress, while making it difficult for comforting relatives to visit in order to encourage Michael to overdose tranquilizers, part of what would fit into what La Toya Jackson complained about, would be a perfect crime until the rules changed. But the rules keep evolving, which clever perpetrators might not be aware of. In colonial times, according to old Westerns, someone could bobby trapping a gun to a cabin door without the sheriff getting involved. Today store owners get arrested for a lot less. And recently arrested was a mother pretending to be child (on the Internet) successfully demanding that an acquaintance, of her son, commit suicide. Cigarette manufactures pleaded guilty to small charges to head off major charges in the more distant future. It took 39 years to bring to justice two church bombers who killed three little black girls, who were shielded by the Southern Justice system back in 1953. The rules for what consists of murder will inevitably tighten as it becomes easier and easier to manipulate a death. Before medicine, trying to kill someone without directly attacking mainly would be stealing their food, water or winter coat.

Jimi Hendrix’s murder was an old rumor. Recently the doctor who was in the emergency room, 39 years earlier in 1970, now tells us that red wine was even in Hendrix’s hair. The news over Michael Jackson and a colorful new book led to someone contacting Dr. John Banister. Originally the doctor didn’t think of the possibility that wine was forced down Hendrix’s throat even though he wondered why so much wine was in Hendrix’s lungs and stomach after he chocked to death on vomit, but so little alcohol in his blood stream. If the copyrighted 2002 link below, or an earlier written article had reached him, he could have told the world about wine in Hendrix’s hair when contacted,

Perhaps if my article reaches La Toya Jackson, she could get back on her original conspiracy complaint, and entertainment executive or two might plead guilty to some small charge like contract fraud to head off murder charges if they live another 40 years, especially if they don’t come forward, circumstances might lead to problems for the company they represent even after they were long dead. Remember cigarette manufactures didn’t want murder charges at a much later date and thus cooperated by helping legislate a warning label on cigarette packs.

Now more on my experience of a conspirator systematically delaying 911 help. Too bad I didn’t ask her whether it came from 215-387-7907 which was my phone. Carefully worded 911 tapes should be scoured over, in future investigations of past deaths. The perpetrator and the landlord’s girl friend were very concerned about image, crying to the neighborhood pharmacist and to two little groceries about their friend dying of pneumonia. Since he got deadly ill quickly after getting some kind of cold he must have had pneumonia for less than a week. As I said before an autopsy could have shown his medicine missing and then I could lobby for murder charges to be pressed, similar to bloggers suggest that someone else slipped Michael Jackson additional tranquilizers. However I doubt that his medicine was missing. Here’s why:

It might seem a side issue but it isn’t. A local thrift store was fighting gentrification. Someone climbed on the roof throwing bricks down the chimney, causing fuel oil to spill into the basement. Fortunately the owner wasn’t at a meeting he was supposed to be at. The officer making the police report refused to put it down as attempted arson, instead labeled it malicious mischief. If the perpetrator had fallen off the roof or got a minor stroke while on the roof, no one would have grilled him on who hired him, if the attempted crime was considered a malicious mischief. These professionals have every intention of doing their misdeeds in such a way that it wouldn’t be considered a crime or, if that’s not possible, a far lesser crime if caught. Professional had no intention of directly poisoning Michael. Even slipping him some extra medication from what Dr. Murray gave him would not be according to script.

TV dramas, and even the “Secrets of the Dead” series are full of stories of people thinking they committed the perfect crime, where for instance on “Secrets of the Dead”, the perpetrator burned the club, but the burnt club was traced by DNA to other wood from the same tree, which was also in wood that was in his house. But conspiracies to systematically finagle death being more likely is not part of folk lore.

Several staff members were probably fired for observing too closely what con-artists surround Michael were doing could all be interviewed. Dr. Conrad Murray could report who was systematically making his job in caring for Michael harder. Gerald Posner could be grilled on who informed him on Michael Jackson getting a cocktail mix of tranquilizers, and why he expected Michael to die when he did. When did the cell phone information come out? Anything that indicated inside information could lead to the insider being grilled to how the blogger or article author found out.

Now for the details of what happened to me that should change the legal map if La Toya gets involved, or otherwise if adequately spread around the Internet. Then this article still might be available 40 years from now to punish any surviving individuals or organization involved.

Enclosed is the minute details concerning my landlord’s death. Please skip over to near the end if you start getting bored.

Details of the Efforts to Stop me From Saving My Landlord’s Life Follows:

I lived with the same landlord for 30 years. He had an adrenal gland problem and the dose of the medication he needed had to be carefully increased when he got a cold or flue, or would become disoriented and helpless and soon would face death. Five times I got emergency help. Once was by cab to Thomas Jefferson Hospital where after a half hour delay, I wheeled my slumped in the wheel chair they provided landlord into the examination room, where they ripped off his clothes and applied emergence resuscitation he was so close to death. The person who sabotaged my call to 9ll on January 9, 2005, engaged in all kinds of shady dealings and ended up working for the potential new owner while the potential owner had a contract not to pay any money for the property until in part he left the premises.

The previous Saturday before my landlord died, I discovered that my key to his apartment was missing. His spares it turned out surprised both of us slightly by no more being in the box he kept them in. It wasn’t convenient for him to be without a key for a couple of hours or to go with me to the key shop. New keys further away on Sunday. My landlord had shocked me by raising my rent, something his new girl friend who inherited a third of his estate probably urged. So I wasn’t my usual insistent self to demand that I quickly get another as I would have been, something I feel quick guilty about.

Midday January 8, my landlord was sick with some kind of cold or flue, but because the curtains were mysteriously shut on his door which was originally the front door of the house, now inside an enclosed porch, it seemed like he didn’t want to be disturbed, so I phoned instead of ringing his bell and I waited to 9 pm to make the call. He mumbled something that seemed to indicate he was still ok. On January 9, I got no response on the phone or knocking on his door. I ended up yelling, “If you don’t open the door I will call the police and they will break in”. The new handyman was at the front door of the building, supposedly fixing his door bell for over an hour said, Kalvin’s girlfriend might have the key. She lived near by, but I didn’t know the exact address. He wouldn’t give me Claudia’s phone number insisting that I let him in my apartment to call her, refusing to go with me to the payphone on the corner a half a block from 526 S 45th Street in Philadelphia. I wasted precious time finding a 100 ft extension cord I had to sting the phone outside my apartment door that had room to extended out the front door of the house as well. I never let the handyman into my apartment, so he would have had to be a professional if he did steal my key. He kept talking to Claudia or having a monologue with himself. I decided to go next door to see if the neighbors were home so I could climb outside to the back porch to look in the window. They weren't home and John Lukins was on the phone looking at me. Now outside my landlord’s house I ran to the pay phone on the corner and frantically called 911. It seemed like hours that the police didn’t arrive. I made a second frantic call this time from my phone asking why the police or ambulance didn’t come yet. The dispatcher said, “Another call came right before your call and said it was probably wasn’t a problem but someone should check”, and “thus that call took precedence”. If I was alert, I would have asked whether that call came from 215-387-7907 which was my phone, (something I can quickly prove). But the new handyman also had a cell phone that somehow was missing that morning he could have called on, if he was a member of a top notched conspiracy group.

When the police finally did break in, Kalvin Kahn was lying on the floor in sight of the door if the shades weren't mysteriously pulled down for the first time. Lukins at one point changed his demeanor stopped crying about poor Kalvin to the police officer questioning us and said the tenant on the second floor had important information. She came down when her bell was rung and said she heard a fight two nights before with Claudia. The police officer didn’t seem interested so Lukins went back to sobbing about poor Kalvin. It took about two hours for the coroner to come for the body, and Claudia came crying in five minutes later as if Lukins had his cell phone with him all the time. She announced that she was going to nail the door the police broke into shut and you and the other tenant stay out. I took it upon myself to bring her a hammer, nails and two boards, and walked in. Lukins meekly said Claudia wouldn’t want you in here instead of screaming at me to get out like if she wasn’t around. She sort of ignored me, concentrating on looking at the papers in Kalvin’s files. A day later she called Gasparro to take his car out of the garage, information that was in his files, and two days later Lukins and Claudia went to Davis Drugs, and People’s and Kim’s Market crying that Kalvin died of pneumonia (the pneumonia, he actually got three or four days before he died).

Somehow this allegedly penniless handyman who worked for almost nothing, because Kalvin kept his dogs in an emergency, talked the executor of Kalvin’s estate into letting him stay and clean up Kalvin’s apartment. Then into allowing him to get a welfare check and/or food stamps at that address. Next he moved in moving with a whole bunch of stuff making Kalvin’s huge apartment look stuffed like mine.

A shady international business said he would buy the place with the stipulation that I and Lukins had to be out in order for the sale to be final or even before even making any kind of initial holding fee. The tenant on the second floor could stay, which was important because Kalvin’s will stipulated that someone should stay and get paid to take care of his cat for the rest of the cat’s life. The executor’s lawyer who knew I was a friend of Kalvin and who knew I helped Kalvin many times had said I could stay, and might have let me stay, despite an offer to buy it only if I leave, if John Lukins didn’t systematically tie his situation in with mine. Lukins put an American Flag in front of the house then later strung up a huge canvas or cloth sign, tying it to a tree and to the house with the new potential owners 800 number on it, and refused to move, so the new owner got free use of trying to sell a building without cost. Maybe connected to the later purchaser at a bargain. Welfare records and a huge sign that was put up without permission should be easily documented by checking with the lawyer handling Kalvin’s will, though perhaps it would be difficult to prove my assertion that Lukins put it up. But a truly competent murder investigation would include grilling that realtor. Also that international realtor from aboard has I understand a shady reputation, so I suspect getting property at a bargain by making offers that they sabotaged may be a frequent occurrence. I wonder whether there was a fine for not having the property ready in four months, so the executor had to sell the property to a friend of the potential buyer at a discount, or else Kalvin's estate would have a temporary debt. I wonder if similar fees for not complying occurred with other contracts from this same company. This reminds me and makes me alert to the contract problems La Toya Jackson was complaining about happened before Michael died.

John Lukins did everything to create the image of being a homeless handyman, and writer. He tried to get a friend to store his computer. He cleaned up in front of Sam’s Two Restaurant, a job Eddie once had, and conspicuously cleaned several neighbors front lawns on the 500 block of 45th Street, with a reputation for working below minimum wage. Since he was careful, I’m sure that anything he owned was supposedly in someone else’s name, so even convicting him on welfare fraud or contract fraud would be problematic. Every crime covered by a perfect alibi, except murder charges can be applied years later, and with time more and more information could be gleamed from those 9/11 tapes. A weird thought is that Lukins or the conspiracy group behind him might have known in advance that the executor was a softy who might have done other things similar to allowing a homeless person to stay in a property he owned, or rented, which could be why he wanted to seem like a homeless man with three dogs.

Kalvin Kahn wrote a book “Your Cat Goes to Court” (some links have Kalvin spelt Calvin so see,
He was well liked by the concerned for animals movement and by other lawyers. He had a knack for being assertive and gentle at the same time. Some of his friends among them could become upset when they know the true nature of his death. Back in the beginning when Move, the Back to Nature sect, was young and rambunctious they always fought with their lawyers. Kalvin got along with them in one case. Talking to his client on how much dreamed of escaping to the country, and how much he loved the animals and to his shock he was assigned dozens more, where the usual tension between Move and their lawyers developed. However, the main thing that highlights this case is not me or Kalvin, but the amount of information on 911 tape and the clear evidence from two calls to 911 almost simultaneous. The amazing length that this conspirator went to make sure it was a perfect crime, should fit in with the fictional classics.

There are perhaps thousands of cases where someone hovered around someone they wanted to die. Many of them involve people who end up sobbing too load after the death. There are probably many cases where people took steps to make sure they wouldn’t by punished for a crime before it occurred. Carefully worded calls to 911 where the calling is careful to say only so much, and to make an impression not to alert them to respond, may not be rare. However I wonder how many cases a 911 dispatcher told someone calling that an earlier call took precedence, when the caller had been prevented from using his own phone. What happened to my friend because of it’s clarity, and the conspiracy to encourage Michael to die sooner rather than later because of its publicity could be combined to get thousands of other cases opened up. I hope this somehow gets to La Toya Jackson, and that others blog out or possible publish in an article on suspicious deaths of their loved ones.

We can make the world a little safer for future Michael Jacksons’ and Jimi Hendixs’ and a lot of elderly people. I even have a fantasy of this ending up similar to the Sherlock Homes classic, where a perpetrator had a fetish for doing everything in a totally foolproof way.

I wouldn’t even have been able to explain clearly why I wanted to label my landlord’s death murder had the 911 emergency dispatcher not tipped me off. Now thousands of other cases without a tipoff can come forward, providing this article gets blogged around the Internet. In 40 years, one way or another, going through acrobatics to make it likely that another person will die will clearly be illegal and how much the above material is spread around could affect that date, and affect the way the entertainment industry deals with vulnerably, gullible Michael Jackson type clients.

Richard Kane

http://www.capitolhillblue.com/blog/2419 http://www.capitolhillblue.com/node/19295

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Michael Jackson Murdered in a Conspiracy? If so, blaming Dr Conrad Murray is like blaming a US Guard at Abu Ghraib for torture policy

When Michael Jackson died, Michael Jackson’s relatives, especially his sister La Toya, claimed there was a systematic effort to endanger Michael Jackson’s life right before he died. Claiming entertainment executives much more money from Michael dying then they possible could have from his trouble plagued efforts to go on a new tour.

This is an earlier draft, with several mistakes

Competent employees were fired or chased away and he was systematically given poor advice to put himself in extreme danger without knowing it. They didn’t say this, but using propofol as a sleeping medicine was dangerous but it would have been far less so if he had a body wire attached to life alert alarms. However, suddenly all talk of a big conspiracy to drastically shorten Michael’s life is gone, as all the blame in being placed on one doctor, Doctor Conrad Murray who had nothing to do with relatives chased away and competent workers fired, and of Michael’s cash on hand being missing. Also Alex Constantine and La Troy (Michael’s sister) think Dr. Alex Farshchian also has some responsibility for Michael’s death,

Their comments brought to my mind, when a friend of mine died after I was systematically prevented from helping him. Had the curtains not be mysteriously drawn for the first time that I could remember, strange for someone who previously needed emergency help soon after catching a cold, I would have seen him laying comatose on the floor. A conspirator who wanted my friend dead kept lingering on my phone, after using it to call someone who supposedly had a key. In frustration I ran to the corner pay phone to call 911. After the police didn’t arrive, I called again begging to find out what was the delay. The 911 dispatcher said that another call came just before yours saying that a man needed to be checked on but it probably wasn’t an emergency and his call took precedence. Maybe it was on my phone. Much more circumstantial evidence of murder that I will get to later but I couldn’t get the police even to review the 911 tapes. And a lawyer said that prosecutors, “don’t want to open up a new can of worms”. I was amazed how many similar stories I bumped into discussing my experience.

Please Michael Jackson’s relatives hire a private investigator to document a conspiracy to drastically shorten Michael’s life. Please someone help be get this essay to them. If Dr. Murray was all alone, he would have wanted Michael to live as long as possible, and have wired him to emergence alert alarms, the kind used in a quality hospital when propofol is used, whether or not he would have tried to lessen the dosage for safety reasons.

If other speak out about similar incidents many elderly people would be less at risk, as well as future black entertainers similar to Michael Jackson and Jimmy Hendrix who had similar problems with agents. Jimmy Hendrix’s murder was rumored from the beginning. But now that a well-advertised new book is out, and Michael’s story is related to his, a doctor on duty when Hendrix died, now claims the book is very plausible in suspecting Hendrix had large quantities of wine forced down his throat, since wine was everywhere even in his hair.

Note the new material on Hendrix, and last years expose that was even more extensive and the copyrighted 2002, cornershopstudios article that apears to beh what was once pre-blog stuff, and realize what strong accusations at the beginning would have led to a modified death report soon after Hendrix died,

If my story, and that of hundreds of others with similar experiences spread the word far and wide, some good witness would come forward on at least a few of them.

Some will say “How do you persecute a murder conspiracy without a murder weapon”. I’m retired, but remember when I was young it was said there was nothing the police could do after you gave a con-artist your money, now prosecuteable years later? Remember when it was first discovered that people got away with messing with a steering wheel and brakes or putting a plastic bag over a victim’s head? In the centuries before medicine, starving a victim was about the only way to murder without a weapon. Now people are dependant upon their heart medication not being switched with another pill or just left out of the morning pill tray and people get into situations, or can be conned into situations, where they will be dependant on an antidote to keep them alive. Fifty years ago you couldn’t prosecute a Southern Lynching, but 40 years after the fact one murderer was convicted. I suspect if they are alive in 40 years some of those, and the companies and groups they represent will be prosecuted. But if we speak up it will be far sooner.

I am infatuated by the possibility that some big shot executive (similar to what the tobacco companies once did) plead guilty to some small charges to prevent murder charges in the more distant future hanging over himself and his company.

I would like to see a private detective hired by the parent’s grill Dr. Murray about the higher-ups. Hopefully Dr. Murray could testify that he was offered a better job if Michael Jackson died soon, their conversations seeming to imply the sooner the better. Since these kind of conspirators are careful not to take unnecessary risk, I doubt if anyone directly said, “I will pay you to kill Michael Jackson”. I also expect Dr. Murray might honestly testify he didn’t do anything he thought would lead to death under his watch but that if he hadn't been assured of a better job later, he would have likely worried that Michael might die soon, and he lose a substantial income, and probably would have taken steps to assure Michael Jackson stayed alive. I suspect the police are ignoring any oblique statements about the higher-ups, since Dr. Murray probably can't claim anything nearly as blunt as,“I will pay you to engineer Michael Jackson dying”.

When it came to my friend who died, the coroner said he’d do an autopsy report until I told him no poisons would be found. In hindsight I could have suggested an autopsy for missing medication. I wonder in hindsight if an autopsy was actually preformed and conceivable this information known. However I had to call 9ll or take a cab to take my landlord to the hospital five times before, so hiding or distracting him from getting his medication, probably wasn’t necessary. During the hysterical follow up call by me, when the 911 operator said that another call came right before yours and said it probably wasn’t a problem. Too bad I didn’t think at the time to ask whether that call came from 215-387-7907 which was my phone. Every word of the top conspirator, seemed in hindsight to be carefully staged to not be evidence of murder. But careful wording on a 911 recording is frozen for greater understanding as the science of linguistics and brain research on casual conversation improves.

To change the subject with a sad cautionary note. A thrift store who was fighting recycling had bricks thrown the chimney causing the fuel oil to fill the basement. The officer taking the police report refused to write it down as attempted arson, instead labeling it malicious mischief meaning that even if the culprit had slipped and fell, as malicious mischief there would be no attempt to make him state who hired him. The Governor of California who conspires to take government checks away from the helpless, can't possible be charged with murder until long after he leaves office even if there is an entirely new political climate. We have a long uphill battle ahead of us, before professionals will stop routinely trying to find legal ways to get away with their crimes. However by speaking up and networking with each other, we can get some elderly people and perhaps stop one or two black entertainers from being murdered in the future the way Michael Jackson and Jimmy Hendrix were.

The Details of the Efforts to Stop me From Saving My Landlord’s Life Follows:
I lived with the same landlord for 30 years. He had an adrenal gland problem and the dose of the medication he needed had to be carefully increased when he got a cold or flue, or would become disoriented and would face death. Five times I saved his life, four by calling 911, and once by cab to Thomas Jefferson Hospital where when he was finally called and I wheeled him into the examination room, they ripped off his clothes and applied emergence resuscitation he was so close to death. The person who sabotaged my call to 9ll on January 1, 2005, or there abouts, engaged in all kinds of shady dealings like working for the potential new owner while the potential owner had a contract not to pay any money for the property until in part he left the premises.

Midday December 31, 2004 or near that day, my landlord was again sick with some kind of cold or flue, but because the curtains were mysteriously shut on his door which was originally the front door of the house which had eight or so glass panes, it was like he didn’t want to be disturbed, so I didn’t check on him to 9 p.m. in the evening. He mumbled something that seemed to indicate he was still ok. On January 1, 2005, I got no response on the phone or knocking on his door. I ended up yelling, “If you don’t open the door I will call the police and they will break in.” The new handyman was at the front door of the building, supposedly fixing his door bell for over an hour said, Kalvin’s girlfriend Claudia has the key. She lived near by, but I didn’t know the exact address. He wouldn’t give me Claudia’s phone number insisting that I let him in my apartment to call her, refusing to go with me to the payphone on the corner a half a block from 526 S 45th Street in Philadelphia. I wasted precious time finding a 100 ft extension cord I had to sting the phone outside my apartment door, since I never let him into my apartment. He kept talking to Claudia or having a monologue with himself. I decided to go next door to see if the neighbors were home so I could climb outside to the back porch to look in the window. They weren’t home and John Lukins still was supposedly on the phone with Claudia. So I ran to the payphone on the corner and frantically called 911. But it seemed like hours the ambulance didn’t arrived. I made a second frantic call this time from my phone asking where the ambulance was. The dispatcher said, “another call came right before your call and said it was probably wasn’t a problem but someone should check”, and “thus that call took precedence”. If I was alert, I would have asked whether that call came from 215-387-7907 which was my phone, (something I can quickly prove). But the new handyman also had a cell phone that somehow was missing that morning he could have called on, if he was a member of a top notched conspiracy group.

When the police finally broke in, Kalvin Kahn was lying on the floor in sight of the door if the shades weren’t mysteriously pulled down for the first time. Lukins at one point changed his demeanor stopped crying about poor Kalvin and said the tenant on the second floor had important information. She came down when her bell was rung and said she heard a fight two nights before with Claudia. The police officer didn’t seem interested so Lukins went back to sobbing about poor Kalvin. It took about two hours for the corner to come for the body, and Claudia came crying in five minutes later as if Lukins had his cell phone with him all the time. She announced that she was going to nail the door the police broke into shut and you and the other tenant stay out. I took it upon myself to bring her a hammer, nails and two boards, and walked in. Lukins meekly said Claudia wouldn’t want you in here instead of screaming at me to get out like if she wasn’t around. She sort of ignored me, concentrating on looking at the papers in Kalvin’s files. A day later she called Gasparro to take his car out of the garage, information that was in his files, and two days later Lukins and Claudia went to Davis Drugs, and People’s and Kim’s Market crying that Kalvin died of pneumonia (if so, he actually got pneumonia three or four days before he died).

Somehow this allegedly penniless handyman who worked for almost nothing, because Kalvin kept his dogs in an emergency, talked the executor of Kalvin’s estate into letting him stay and clean up Kalvin’s apartment. Then into allowing him to get a welfare check and/or food stamps at that address. Next he moved in moving with a whole bunch of stuff making Kalvin’s huge apartment look stuffed like mine.

A shady international business bought the place with the stipulation that I and Lukins had to be out in order for the sale to be final or even before any payment was made. The lady on the second floor could stay, which was important because Kalvin’s will stipulated that someone should stay and get paid to take care of his cat for the rest of the cat’s life. The executor’s lawyer who knew I was a friend of Kalvin and who knew I helped Kalvin many times had said I could stay, and might have let me stay, despite an offer to buy it only if I leave, if John Lukins didn’t systematically tie his situation in with mine. Lukins put up a huge sign with the new potential owners 800 number on it and refused to move, so the new owner got free use of trying to sell a building without cost. Maybe connected to the later purchaser at a bargain. Welfare records and a huge sign that was put up without permission should be easily documented by checking with the lawyer handling Kalvin’s will, though perhaps it would be difficult to prove my assertion that Lukins put it up. But a truly competent murder investigation would include grilling that realtor.

However, John Lukins did everything to create the image of being a homeless handyman, and writer. He tried to get a friend to store his computer. He cleaned up in front of Sam’s Two Restaurant, a job Eddie once had, and conspicuously cleaned several neighbors’ front lawns. Since he was careful, I’m sure anything he owned was supposedly in someone else’s name, so even convicting him on welfare fraud or contract abuse would be problematic. Every crime covered by a perfect alibi, except murder charges can be applied years later, and with time more and more information could be gleamed from those 9/11 tapes. A weird thought is that Lukins or the conspiracy behind him might have known in advance that the executor was a softy who did such things similar to allowing homeless people to stay in other property he owned.

The conspiracy to kill Michael Jackson could be somewhat similarly intricate, such as an employee concerned for Michael’s safety being falsely accused of theft or some entertainment executive even offering a good job in another city to someone too alert in watching for Michael Jackson’s safety. Please Michael Jackson’s relatives since you had a nagging suspicious dread when Michael Jackson was being kept away from you, please don’t end up satisfied with the arrest of one supposedly lazy doctor. Please people who lost others to a similar fate please help bring the stories together. Kalvin Kahn was very popular with other lawyers who may want to help as well.

Richard Kane

RichardKanepa.blogspot.com RamblingsFromTheHornetsNest.blogspot.com http://www.phillyimc.org/en/michael-jackson-murdered-conspiracy

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gay Marriage - but what about Children raised by Domestic Partners being Deigned having two Parents?

Some are fighting Gay Marriage laws hoping to preserve a more moral world.

A lot of things are making this a more disruptive world for kids. Single woman approaching 40 being artificially inseminated, before the clock runs out, who will be lucky to raise her child into adulthood. More and more children with one parent not two, or no living parents at all. Divorce is getting more frequent.

A child that goes through a no fault divorce being raised by his mother during the school year and having to be a different person with his father during holidays can find it traumatic. Far less traumatic would be for the extended families to vacation together once a year.

There are problems ahead. When two young girls or guys meet and quickly decide to marry, their problems may lead to wanting all marriage including between men and woman to have a delay process built in before the marriage becomes official.

We need to find solutions. Many kids and adults too are becoming cyber or cyber game fanatics. And living in a lonely more suicide-filled world. But pushing domestic partnership rather than gay marriage is a step in the wrong direction.

Let’s try to find ways to work together to create a more moral world without finding new ways to fight with each other.

One way some Westerners are trying to make the world more moral is putting the spotlight on quicky Muslim marriage and then divorces of rich Arab Sheiks to poor Muslims from India. If this leads to more Muslim girls having sex without marriage to stop starving, it will be a step in making their lives more miserable. So I suggest complaining about quicky Muslim divorce laws so that the husband would have to do such things as putting up a dowery for the girl’s future second marriage in escrow in order to get a divorce.

Maybe I don’t know what I am talking about. But if I am on the mark, I hope it can lead to us contemplating ways we can change our Western Moral Values to make a more moral world. A lot of domestic partnerships rather than gay marriages is not a step in this direction. I am sad that so many people with good intentions are putting energy into fighting gay marriage when there are lot of more productive ways of encouraging this to be a more moral world.

Another problem is laws like Megan’s Law, trying to make a permanent punishment system, which is now trying to spread to Guantanamo prison, to prevent released prisoners from entering the US, perhaps preventing Obama from succeeding in preserving the economic order by getting along with other countries, especially Muslim countries more, toward a more peaceful economically stable world.

Let’s find ways of working together toward a better, more moral world.
see or Google,

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Michael Jackson and the Double Standard over Pedophile Accusations

I joined those around the world who are standing up for Michael Jackson as a decent person who did a lot for kids. A few are alive today because he paid for a desperately needed medical procedure. But the hypocrisy where the rich and famous are treated by different standards, really troubles me. Also we have laws like Megan’s Law that is changing our system of justice. And also by our government wanting child porn off the Internet, and porn watchers to be punished, it ends up making it easier for counties that oppose all free speech on the Internet.

I wonder if some, in their support for Michael Jackson are saying the child molestation witch hunt has gone too far, without risking heading for a world where children in general would lose their childhood. But I admit something more might be involved that neither I or anyone else seems to have a handle on.

Michael Jackson was hurt by the nagging image that he was a bad person, but many others also have been badly hurt by the hysteria. It’s not only adults. A few times, after seeming a film warning a child molesting, young children without any previous sign of disturbance, or undue hostility, played a game resembling incomplete acts of rape or incest on an infant and ended up in reform school, or hassled and monitored for much of their lives.

In the 60's people began doing away with traditional morality. And many are still arguing whether gay marriage will eventually destroy our society. But some of the problems with children and sex became apparent immediately. Adults jealous of a child they thought might be a rival for their boyfriend’s or lover’s interests, called the child a little slut, and other derogatory comments. If a care giver responsible for a child, was jealous of the child it could be a real nightmare for the child. A young teen with a jealous older lover wasn’t allowed to make new friends. Children in the slums could become valuable money earners, but almost unemployable as they headed for their 18th birthday needing to unlearn casual spending habits, and to appreciate and strive for new low paying means of making money, and being thankful for a little pay instead of being resentful of not getting enough. Strict work laws like our stick child labor laws for child actors might have helped but remember Michael Jackson lost his childhood despite our stricter than most of the world, child labor laws.

So now instead of either traditional morality or free sex, we have pedophile hysteria, where adults can get in trouble and families torn apart for sometimes the vaguest accusation. One well know horror-scenario occurred in Scotland. (Please someone help me google it up.) A grammar school teacher accused a summer camp owner of being a pedophile because he insisted in the official camp photos all the kids had to have their shirts off. The camp went bankrupt as less kids attended and kids began treating him differently, not realizing that he was now acting awkward around them. As he went crazy, he somehow got a machine gun killing the teacher and some of the children in the classroom as well.

More frequent was a Philadelphia example. A distraught women with mental problems gave her two boys away to a convicted pedophile. The police didn’t have the address, and the press was alerted. The first officer on the scene found two dirty, toy-endowed kids, the man never giving them a bath, finding it too awkward. The officer announce to the press that he never did anything to hurt the kids, but was jailed anyway on a stale bench warrant. With myself, a little girl pulled at the cigarette machine knob. I quickly said ooh dirty. The mother looked shocked that I said anything to her child, but then joined me in saying ooh dirty. But at the bus stop she acted scared of me so I went to the back of the bus to get away from them. Many fathers have the beginning of an inappropriate thought toward their child then let their wife raise the child without even remembering why. Child care costs keep rising because some are forbidden to get a job as child caretaker and others avoid the hassle. Hispanic and Muslim culture is warm and lively, but in Anglo-American-Australian culture people are isolated, and much of Western Europe now joining suit. Could pedophile hysteria be one of the reasons why? In North Korea children are starving for food, but in some places elsewhere starving for love.

If Michael Jackson’s Neverland was founded 50-years-ago, children and adults would love it like Hershey Park (the amusement park and the Hershey Candy sampling). Back 50 years ago, not age, but certain actives like getting semen or human manure on one’s body was considered dirty and evil. Sex was considered dirty, but somehow became clean with a marriage vow.

Everything was far from perfect. I know one man at college who never used the group showers. He was small and I wondered if he ever went through puberty. He told me in the boy’s room at high school he was forced to give a blow job to another kid at knife-point, and was teased, hounded by the other kids accused of being a little girl. He dropped out of high school. But managed to go to college without finishing high school

Back then many people were called dirty and evil for very unfair reasons, so instead today many are accused of being evil pedophiles for in some cases equally unfair reasons. Somehow we got to find a morality that makes sense, and we haven’t even begun.

One thing that we certainly don’t need is Megan’s Laws. We rightly get upset when vigilantes in Somalia trying to preserve their tradition, demand the execution of a foreign teacher who allowed a kid to name a teddy bear the name of a prophet. But we allow vigilantes to change our justice system with Megan Laws. Now though precedence there is an attempt to prevent Guantanamo Prison from closing. If this runes Obama’s attempts to get along with the Muslim World, it could hasten currency collapse. Thus our moral hang ups could affect whether we end up starving like Ancient Rome did.

In Hamilton Township New Jersey, where little Megan Kanka lived, three pedophiles lived next door. Jesse Timmendequas and his two roommates who moved in with him. According to the Courier Post the neighborhood boys used to throw rocks at the three men, and the neighbors was suspicious of Maureen Kanka (Megan’s mother’s) claim that she had no idea that pedophiles lived next door, suspicious of her demands for notification laws.

She ran the trial ordering the judge to order the cameras out and the judge compiling with her every demand. Jesse Timmendequas was a milk toast who routinely said “yes” to every accusation against him often contradicting himself when the details of what he was accused of changed. Since Megan’s death, parents who complain, too much about an investigation, become suspects themselves, and this is post-dated back to the Charles Lindbergh’s baby, so called kidnaping and actual murder. But somehow no one took another look into Megan Kanka’s death. According to Wikipedia, and some pro-Megan’s law advocacy sites (Wikipidia changes content from time to time) Megan Kanka bit Timmendequas on the hand. If this was true, x-rays of teeth marks would have been part of the trial, and Timmendequas’s lawyer never would have accused his two roommates of the crime. Also, a shovel seems to disappear even from the on-line copies of the news stories back then. I would try to prove that someone was messing with the official record, but had problems doing that in another matter. I went so far to buy an expensive original historical achieves copy of an article that differed from the on-line article only to have other people remind me that newspapers sometimes have several changes in a print version on the same day. ( I purchased the NY Times, 10-7-82, with the name William Pascual being from the Philippines was part of the print copy but not on-line article on Tylenol Tampering, which was also in the University of Penn “Daily Pennsylvania” student newspaper article. I was, several times in the past, trying to prove that Marcos the dictator of the Philippines was responsible for the poisoned Tylenol, and why the US suddenly sided with the reformers in the Philippines.

Back to the matter on hand, proving the record is being messed with would be a problem, but just think back on why it took two searches of Timmendequas’ house before he was arrested and the attempt of his lawyer to blame his two roommates, to realize that the entire case needs to be reviewed to preserve the Western system of justice. I ask everyone to wonder why x-ray pictures of Timmendequas’s hand with Megan’s teeth marks was not part of the trial. And why the evidence against Timmendequas on the Internet keeps getting stronger as if the Internet was responding like an urban legend.

A lot of people have been hurt by the pedophile witch hunt. Many were also hurt by traditional moral hang ups. A lot of people, especially kids, would be hurt if children in the future were deigned a childhood due to all consenting sex becoming legal. So we need to work toward real solutions to moral issues but while we do it, let’s get rid of laws that violate our system of justice such as Megan’s Law.

Everyone, let’s try to think back to the world we lived in a year ago where if someone came to the defense of Michael Jackson, they too would be pressured to stay away from children. Think of the world 10 years ago where a young boy would be proud instead of traumatized if he had sex with an adult woman, or 30 years ago where if a priest confessed to looking at a child’s sex organ while in confessional, he would be encouraged to pray harder for self-control, but if he had anal sex with a child he would have been quickly thrown in jail. In Philadelphia Cardinal Kroll refused to pay the priest’s legal expansive and after jail the priest was deported back to the country he was born in.

Of course we shouldn’t forget the world we almost had at the end of the 60's where children end mass were in danger of losing their childhood or when a self-proclaimed guru god would choose a young girl she was expected to feel privileged and honored and would herself think that something was wrong with herself if she felt trapped instead.

I apologize for acting like a know-it-all; I hope others speak out with their own insights as well. Perhaps we can have a world in the future where moral values aren’t built of scapegoating someone. All of us who did something to honor Michael Jackson’s memory, let’s find one other person who was harmed by the pedophile hysteria to honor the good some others did for children or help them in some way.

By Richard Kane

pre-blog material see,

THIS IS RICHARD AGAIN. I keep posting a comment on a different subject Since I don't want to crowd out the Michael Jackson Double Standard, but somehow the link remains with is,
http://richardkanepa.blogspot.com/2009/07/michael-jackson-isnt-only-one-accused.html?showComment=1248098665410#c1478275641478894135Waking up to a Nightmare of a Terror Attack

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