Sunday, October 4, 2009

Washington Times "Moonies" are very involved in supporting the Honduras Coup

It’s been so long since I seem mention of the Washington Times and the Moonies in the same article that I was beginning to fear people were forgetting that they still exist. But things are now changing. I noted two recent blog articles, not only Robert Parry’s “WTimes, Bushes Hail Rev. Moon”,
but also Alex Constantine’s “Ten More Facts about a living Messiah who is growing old” which I also responded to,
Also some other new material recently hit the Internet that I haven’t yet digested.
But I was disappointed that none of the articles mentioned the extensive effort of the Washington Times to encourage and then defend the Honduran coup, and their continuous efforts to befriend ultraconservative Miami Cubans.

On other causes the Wash. Times plays both sides. It systematically condemned Chas Freeman, who blamed the Israeli Lobby instead of the Wash. Times for not getting the foreign policy post Obama was going to give him, instead of the Wash Times. Somehow, pro-Israeli groups didn’t want to start condemning the Wash Times for getting many angry at the pro-Israel lobby for something they were not responsible for. See, Our Morning Roundup: Washington Times “Owns” Chas Freeman Story,

I am torn between wanting to condemn Right-Wing Cuban-Americans and praise the efforts of usually conservative Cuban-Americans to stand up against gross extremism. You don’t see Conservative Republicans loudly condemning the sick “Bury Obama Beside Kennedy" signs. However, some extremely conservative Cuban-Americans signed a petition condemning the death threats against Cuban-American performers participating in a Havana peace concert,

Some rather conservative Cuban-Americans, “Ladies in White”, who have relatives or who had relatives back in Cuban prisons, during the last election campaign, were hoping Obama would negotiate getting their loved ones out of prison, rather than supporting McCain’s vow to force the Cuban Government to do so,

The Wash Times is sabotaging every effort by the present US government to improve things, accusing Obama of supporting Chavez’s and Castro’s policies in Honduras. It is a distinct possibility that they, and Dick Cheney, with al Qaeda’s help, might create a US government proud of torture, and human rights violations, with the next or following Presidential election and thus it is possible that the most extreme Cubans along with Washington Times embedded reporters will march back to Cuba in triumph like the Iraqi Congress in exile did, and there will likewise be a grim Cuba to follow. The Wash Times is an albatross around any group it supports.

Robert Parry in “WTimes, Bushes Hail Rev. Moon", reminded people of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s early sexual ideas. But somehow everyone misses the harsh universe Moon projects about God and Satan in a breeding war to see whose genes come out in the end. According to Moon the apple eaten by Eve was the Devil winning one and Jesus’s Virgin Birth was God winning one. Cuban Americans, people who want to defend traditional marriage, and every other cause supported by the Wash Times should be wary of how accepting help from a group with such a harsh view of reality might affect them in the long run.

Despite being an albatross the Wash Times has done a lot for the pro-immigration movement. In 2006 it outed "'[added Oct 7]' "Rep. Mark Foley for]"' being harshly against immigration which ironically helped the Democratic election sweep,
The W Times exposed that Foley made inappropriate comments and written notes to underaged pages.

More recently it stopped Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich from hysterically condemning the Sotomayor nomination by having an article claiming that future Supreme Court nominee Judge Sotomayor was pro-life,

Because of it's conservative credentials the W. Times has uncanny access to areas no other pro-imagination group can venture. But remember they are far more interested in rich conservative immigrants than poor apolitical or poor immigrants with any kind of progressive credentials.

It seems almost impossible to me that Robert Parry didn’t include some of the Latin American material unless the Washington Times tracking cookies gives different results to different viewers. I wish Parry’s Consortium blog publication would send someone to the Washington DC main library and photocopy back issues. There could even be different versions of W. Times mailed editions. In the 70's I had two Moonie “Rising Tide” Newspapers of identical date. On one page, in identical format, was an article praising the Iranian Revolution and in the other otherwise identical edition was an article condemning it.

I clear tracking cookies before and after I click on a W. Times link. I should only use the public library. If I was the only one at Kinko’s using Kinko’s to read a newspaper they might steer the Kinko’s computers toward a version of their paper they give to hostile readers. Perhaps a conservative might want to google once or twice on a Kinko’s computer with their laptop also Googeling the Wash. Times sites and see if they get a different version of the BrainWashington Times articles than they get on their home computer. Getting this Albatross off all of our necks should be a priority.

Also posted at,

I’m Richard Kane retired in Philly PA at

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