Saturday, May 25, 2013

The word “Reasonable” has been hijacked by extremists as in “Reasonable gun laws”

There are a lot of efforts to legislate social change, seat belt laws the most successful through small fines that don’t increase whether or not one is a first time offender or not.

In other areas gruesome ads rather than harsh punishment like someone losing or not getting a job because they smoke cigarettes or jailing adults who bought tobacco for a child has been the most effective in lowering lung cancer. In Wisconsin gruesome ads against speed or methamphetamine has been quite effective.

The first attempt as a reasonable gun law might be a $10 fine for carrying a gun in the city park, and $100 if the fine isn't payed by 10 days after the incident occurred. When it comes to rough characters who fear a witness snitching they would most likely surprise the authorities with an unrequested fine payment rather then invest a lot more than $10 worth of effort in trying to make sure the witness remained silent. Neighbors who complain about guns could still expect some retaliation, but far less danger of being terrorized. Philadelphia may face a law suite over banning public guns, a ten dollar law would be easier to win and less of a fine if the city lost in a lawsuit. There is a lot more but I might rune it by saying too much. No smoking areas are unique in that both the boss and the cops can't smoke there either. Perhaps all guns should be required to be kept locked up, if police officers had their guns in finger-locking holsters, there would be far less people dreaming of seizing an officer's gun and far less police shootings reported as the suspect tried to grab the officer's gun.

Prison overcrowding has finely started to come down, with less three strikes convictions, and less long term incarceration over marijuana, and less excitement against terrorism, since the nasty porn flick insulting Islam, Innocence of the Muslims alerted many into realizing that baiting trouble in the name of warning against it is going on.

Don't let gun laws refuel the prison-industrial-complex toward continuing to head this country in the direction of eventually most of people in America being in the prison probation system.

Instead of arguing whether guns are good or good in certain instances let's unite against throw away the key attempted solutions to our human problems.

This Saturday May 25 there will be two very large events in Philadelphia

There will be a rally for gun rights 11 am at the Liberty Bell and not far away at noon in Love Park a rally for Decarceration instead of endlessly new incarcerations marching to the Art Museum and the hearty on to Harrisburg, seeing these events as contradictory will make what promises to be a huge by recent standards human rights rally seem small. But seeing the two rallies as complimentary events will make the recent return to activism seem huge, and prevent many new unwilling recruits to the prison-industrial-complex pipeline end up not happening,

by Richard Kane, retired in Philly PA

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