Was a peace “diaper” baby, father was Jewish but struggled for CO status during World War II, mother got a peace letter past war censors then sat-in with Black friends at Woolworth’s white only lunchcounter in Wash DC. I insulted peace friends with strong comments on bin Laden (Google al Qaeda with RichardKane) Note drones can take pictures instead of mistakenly hitting farmers digging on the side of the road. Al Qaeda’s claim violence as the only hope, against the West insulating and overwhelming other culture, can be countered with supporting nonviolent protests like unarmed Palestinians clinging to their land. Or women only observing female body scans at airports. However I think I think challenging al Qaeda with violence is better than trying to ignore them. For less than a year fought with myself not to spend panhandled money on a cup of coffee packed with sugar, calling it a meal. Active in fighting Black Hole danger, Google Richard Kane with Otto Rossler / Collider. Since a blog page disappeared and no way to complain to google I like to use as my homepages
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